Prometheus Rebound

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Fraternizing with the Enemy

“Having fun?” Pansy spun around and glared at the man - nay, boy - who stood before her, grinning, in a cramped bookstore.

“I was.” She turned away from Seamus and started to make her way towards the back of the shop.

“Leaving? Have some glamorous Voldemort-Lover’s meeting to attend?” Seamus looked her dead in the eye; all traces of humor fled his face.

“Thought you didn’t believe You-Know-Who was back.”

“Thought you were above that kind of petty following.”

“I am.”

“Prove it.”

Pansy grabbed Seamus by the collar and kissed him, hard. Oh, yes. Redemption could be sweet.

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrighted, or otherwise owned characters or whathaveyou, unless otherwise noted.
-2005 Mangston