Prometheus Rebound

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White Sheep

Sirius closed his trunk. He picked up his wand, stuck in his back pocket, then headed towards the hall.

“You know, you could lose a buttock,” said Regulus casually, leaning against the wall in the hallway. “Not that anyone would be disappointed. Going somewhere?” He smirked.

“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“You could just stay, Sirius. Become a real part of this family, instead of just the black sheep.”

“I think I’d be considered the white sheep, at this point. No thanks.”

Regulus cleared the way, and rolled his eyes as his mother’s screaming followed Sirius out the door.

Disclaimer: I do not own any copyrighted, or otherwise owned characters or whathaveyou, unless otherwise noted.
-2005 Mangston